We believe it is our responsibility to provide a safe, sanitized, and comfortable environment for all.
We take our role as members of your community seriously and wanted to provide you with the procedures and protocols we have in place to guarantee a safe salon reopening. As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain committed to doing everything we can to help flatten the curve. In doing so, we wanted to share the decisions we’ve made to adapt the Twin Image experience during these extraordinary times. We will be seeing clients by appointment only. Our goal is to limit the amount of people in the salon at any given time. We will be spacing people apart in the salon except when team members are servicing clients. To accomplish this, we will modify appointment schedules accordingly; and only utilize every other station to ensure social distancing is observed.
We will engage in touch-less greetings and goodbyes, as we will not be shaking hands or hugging at this time.
Wear a face mask in the location at all times. Please bring a personal mask from home, as we will have a limited quantity available in the salon.
Arrive no more than five minutes before your booked appointment, as designated waiting areas will no longer be available. You will be asked to wait outside until your service provider is ready to serve you.
Attend appointments alone. Friends, family members, children and/or pets will be asked to stay at home.
Accept the terms and conditions sent to you via appointment confirmation, prior to arriving at the location.
You will be asked to confirm if you are feeling well – no fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
Please disinfect your hands upon arrival, using the restrooms and/or sanitation stations provided. It is advised to wash hands with clean water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
Outside food will not be permitted in the salon. Serving beverages of any kind, magazines, will be temporarily unavailable. We recommend bringing your own water bottle or drink temporarily.
We will have front and back windows open to bring in fresh air We have installed a germguardian true hepa air purifier the reduces the spread of germs by attacking microscopic airborne bacteria, viruses and mold spores as they pass through the UV-C light.
Stations and shampoo bowls will be spotless and sanitized after every guest.
Only the hairstylist that is servicing you will touch you.
Stations will be spotless and sanitized after every guest.
Hand sanitizer and Disinfectant will be available at every station.
Our capes and towels are never reused unless washed with Bleach/detergent and softener.
Shampoo bowls and chairs will be sanitized and wrapped in plastic after each us we ask that you and your stylist not engage in conversation during your shampoo.
Staff will wash hands between clients.
Staff will be wearing masks at all times and gloves when possible.
If you wish to purchase products your stylist will collect the preferred products and have them ready for you at the end of your service.
We have taken extra precautions and have put more rigorous cleaning measures in place to equip our team with additional sanitation procedures and protocols. All team members will receive supplementary health and sanitation training to prevent the spread of germs.
Wear a mask at all times.
Wash their hands, before and after every appointment.
Clean and disinfect all tools with alcohol, barbicide before and after every appointment.
Clean and disinfect their chair and station, before and after every appointment.
Sanitize their hands throughout the service if they change tools or step away from their station at any time.
Use disposable gloves when possible.
Stay home if they are sick and/or not feeling well.